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Saving Your Battery at an Event

During a conference or tradeshow, event organizers depend on their mobile devices to keep them (and their event) going. Of course, that means a constant fight with the battery indicator on your phone. We put together some tips for saving your battery when a plug is not always available.
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Beacons - Now Integrated with EventEdge

At EventEdge, we are always striving to continue to enhance the attendee experience using technologies that are useful but not disruptive to your event. With that in mind, we are glad to start rolling out Bluetooth Beacons. We took a lot of time to integrate a system that allows organizers to customize how they use the technology, so read on to learn more.
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What do the New iPhones Mean for Event Organizers?

Apple announced then released a major update for their line of iPhones. We look at some of the new features and advantage and see how event organizers can leverage the new technology. Take a look and let us know if you have any thoughts.
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Security Tips for Event Organizers

Lets face it, event organizers live off their mobile devices and trust them to be secure. In light of the newest iCloud breaches, we decided to put together some tips that will help keep your data secure and for your eyes only. Have any additional tips? Let us know on Twitter.
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What to Event Organizers Can Expect with a New iPhone

Amid the multitude of new product announcements coming this fall, the most anticipated by far is the new iPhone. Apple's flagship device is popular throughout the world, but has gained a real traction with event organizers. With simple interaction and tons of apps, its no surprise. With the new iPhone being announced in the next few weeks, we take a look at what to expect. These features are just what we expect, not confirmed. Apple's legendary reputation for secrecy is alive and well.
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Tips For Organizer Follow Up After an Event

Attendees come to events to gain some knowledge and develop relationships with like-minded individuals. Following up and extending the relationships beyond the event is a standard part of the post-conference process. However, event organizers rarely take the time to do a their own post-event follow up and miss out on an opportunity to strengthen their audience for future events. Here are a few tips to get the most out of the process.
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Why to Wait When it Comes to Smartwatches

Events are a great place to put new technologies to the test and the next big thing seems to be smartwatches. After a few weeks with new Google Wear watches, we tried them in a few event settings. Here is what we learned.
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Best Productivity Apps for Event Organizers

Event organizers live fast-paced, hectic lives and the best way to cut through chaos is to leverage your smartphones. We have combed through the millions of apps to give you a few of our best suggestions.
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Introducing EventEdge + SnowShoe Stamps

We are happy to introduce a new feature for our event apps. Now you can use small, 3D printed, plastic stamp to activate various functions including session check in, contact swap, and gamification points.
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Event Lessons from the World Cup

The World Cup would qualify as a super-event in the eyes of an event organizer with an entire country needed to pull it off. We look at how things have been going in Brazil for the 2014 event and lessons that event organizers can use for their (slightly) smaller events.
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Introducing Gamification from EventEdge

We have been working on a series of features to continue to push our amazing EventEdge apps to the next level. After testing through a few events and polishing, we are happy to announce that Gamification is now available as an add on feature. Learn how we built the feature to add a whole new level of interactivity and a competitive element to your event.
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Using, Not Just Storing, Your Event Data

You have an awesome event app for your conference with attendees using it to communicate, get information, and stay informed. It both adds value and saves money. Event apps also create a lot of information that event organizers can use before, during, and after your event. We break down some of the actionable ways data can inform decision making.
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How to Market Your Event App

Marketing might be the most important part of an event organizers job. Planning an amazing event means nothing if no one knows about or experiences it. That is why event organizers have become some of the best marketers out there. When it comes to your apps, it's important to get them into the hands of your attendees. We put together a few strategies event organizers can use to let their attendees know about your apps.
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Don't Overdo It When Creating an Event App

Event apps are amazing tools for conferences, corporate meetings, and exhibitions, but after hundreds of apps, we have learned that its important to balance the line between use and distraction. Here is what we have learned.
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